How to generate procedural music using code
Creating a synthesizer that plays Tetris theme in 70 lines of C code.
Creating a synthesizer that plays Tetris theme in 70 lines of C code.
Stockfish, one of the best modern chess engines, is orders of magnitude stronger than DeepBlue.
Code metamorphism is a dynamic approach of obfuscation in which a program refactors itself at run time while preserving its semantics. This paper presents a new metamorphic framework based on a predictive model
Machine Learning and Deep Learning are ongoing buzzwords in the industry. Branding ahead of functionalities led to Deep Learning being overused in many artificial intelligence applications.
Can you write a predictive function from observations which would minimize the error deviation? Or the average error? Can you find the best theoretical predictor which would minimize any given loss function?
An Australian PhD candidate in artificial intelligence made a recent post on LinkedIn about his researches on SARS-CoV-2. The post gathered thousands of views, likes, and shares.
This library package aims to add abilities to the R programming language such as nullable types and pattern matching in order to benefit from the functional programming paradigm.
Collection of various musical compositions for classical Piano.